Install instructions for DCMNZB on Windows

Install instructions for DCMNZB on Windows

Install instructions for DCMNZB on Windows

  1. Download the DCMNZB download package and extract it. It is recommended to extract DCMNZB on a fast SSD drive.
  2. Edit the webserver.ini file inside the dcmnzb folder. The webserver.ini file looks like this :
    # Uncomment the lines which you want to be active
    # Bind to localhost IP address
    # Bind to any IP address
    # bind to IP v4 address
    # Bind to IP v6 address 
    # Webserver IP port to use
    # if you want to use a SSL cert enter the path and filename of the SSL pfx-file and the password
    # MySQL database IP port, if you have already a MySQL database or want to use a non-standard port you can change it here
    # if you change the port you also have to change the port in the my.cnf file in the bin folder of MySQL
    # MySQL database IP address, if you want to move the database to annother server than the DCMNZB app, you can move the
    # folder MySQL of the DCMNZB app folder to a directory of another server and install it there!
    # You then have also to change or add a parameter "bind-address={ipAdressOfServer}" to the "my.cnf" file in the mysql folder.

    First choose your web-server IP-address and port. To do so un-comment one of the first 4 options. You can choose: 1. localhost, DCMNZB is then only available on the localhost address 2. any, DCMNZB is then available on all IP-addresses of your computer including localhost. 3. IPv4-address : Enter a IPv4-address under which DCMBZB should be reachable. 4. IPv6-address : Enter a IPv6-address under which DCMNZB should be reachable. Then choose your WEBSERVERPORT option, which specifies under which IP-port the web-server should be reachable. Choose a free address like Port = 80 for standard web-server address if it is available, or Port = 443 if you want to use SSL or any other free port. If you want to use SSL you have to specify a SSL pfx certifcate with it’s path and filename and password. You should then choose Port = 443. The web-sever is then reachable under the https-address of the SSL certificate. Then choose the MySQL port and address, if you want to move the database to another server, you can move the mysql folder inside the dcmbzb folder to another server and install it there. Then you have to specify the MYSQLIPADRESS = IP address of the database server.

  3. Install DCMNZB: To install and maintain DCMBNZB you have 7 batch-files inside the dcmnzb folder. To install DCMNZB with the database, run install.bat. This will install the database and DCMNZB web-server. If you want to move the database to another server run install-without-database.bat to install the web-server without database. If the installation was successful the web-server address of DCMNZB will be shown. On any problems during installation you can run DCMNZBServer.exe inside the dcmnzb -> publish folder to see if it is outputting some errors which avoid DCMNZB of running. To maintain DCMNZB there are the following batch-files: 1. Run start.bat to start DCMNZB services. 2. Run stop.bat to stop DCMNZB services. 3. Run status.bat to show the status of DCMNZB services. Uninstall DCMNZB: to uninstall DCMNZB you have two batch-files: uninstall.bat to uninstall web-server and MySQL database and uninstall-without-database.bat if you not have installed database because you have run it on another server. This will remove DCMNZB. If you plan to reinstall DCMNZB don’t forget to deactivate any existing license before uninstalling, because per license there is only one activation allowed.
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